Monday, February 11, 2008

Carolina Mantis

(Stagmomantis Carolina) The official State Insect of South Carolina, designated the State Insect by the General Assembly by Act No. 591 of 1988 for many reasons. It symbolizes the importance of the natural science of entomology and its special role in all forms of agriculture, as it helps control insect pest that are harmful to our environment. The Carolina mantis is native to the US and can be found in the southern states, including Indiana.

The wings of the Carolina mantis only extend three quarters of the way down the wide abdomen of the mature females, as the wings of the males span the entire length of their long abdomen. The males of this specie are very thin compared to the females. The insect itself can grow approximately up to 2 inches in length. Their color may vary from an unusual gray, dusty brown, or green.

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